“brainmate’s database and unique expertise are the only possibilities for companies and financing governments to secure their decisions. Nobody else I know can provide such a quality.” Don Kummerfeld
Don Kummerfeld, former First Deputy Mayor of NY, CEO of the Emergency Financial Control Board
“The business concept of brainmate is simply an excellent solution for the industry!” Prof. Ruslan Grinberg
Director, Institute for International Economic and Political Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
“brainmate is the best tool available to gather the information we need as entrepreneurs to protect the actual value of our companies – the intellectual property which was built by many experts over many years. Before we invest millions , we want to have the best possible information.” Mark Turrell
Founder Orcasci, Young Global Leader and Technology Leader World Economic Forum
“Nothing is as unclear as the future. There are many tools for forecasting and sketching a scenario of upcoming changes in the competitive landscape. They all suffer from a lack of precise information. Probably the only perfectly accurate instrument is an analysis based on the research of the patents that have been granted up to today. Nobody spends a lot of money on a patent if he is not willing to commercialize it.” Dr. Péter Balas
Deputy Director-General for Trade, European Commission
„Reading the patent information and literature carefully not only enterprises, but also regions can check and compare their technology profile with the competitors ... By doing so decision makers in economy, science, politics and administration can receive valuable information.” Prof. Erich Greipl
President Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Patent-Report Bavaria 2011
“There will be a war over IP – the key to the future! I think China is currently doing best, especially if we keep in mind the short history of business and IP in this country.“ Axel Stellbrink
Patent Lawyer and Innovation Strategist